Phase 2 Trials begun for CBD drug in treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

ENFLEUR is pleased to share Zynerba Pharmaceuticals’ announcement that it is moving into the second phase of trials with Zygel™, a CBD transdermal gel, in order to assess the drug’s efficacy, tolerability, and safety. There are currently two FDA approved products indicated to treat ASD symptoms, however they have a significant side effects and have not been approved to treat some of the more difficult symptoms of ASD, social impairment and anxiety. Recent studies indicate a possible relationship between the symptoms of ASD and disfunction in the endocannabinoid system. Additionally, “[c]linical and anecdotal data suggest that CBD may modulate the [endocannabinoid] system and improve certain core social and behavioral autism-related symptoms, including social avoidance and anxiety.”

Outside of Zynerba Pharmaceuticals’ current efforts,CBD has shown itself to be generally well-tolerated at up to 1,500mg a day, and studies have also shown CBD’s therapeutic potential in the treatment of a variety of anxiety disorders. A high quality, transparent CBD product is a meaningful consideration when evaluating a wellness regime.

ENFLEUR will continue to follow developments as Zygel™ progresses through trials. 

Why does this matter? With ASD possibly linked to endocannabinoid system disfunction, the investigation of CBD’s pharmaceutical potential to alleviate ASD symptoms progresses.



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